Jazz Band
Jazz "House" & Jazz "Stage" Bands meet before school as zero period classes at 6.57 am! All students must audition to participate in these groups!
Jazz Band Handbook
Concurrent enrollment in another band class is required for participation. Auditions will be held during beginning of the school year. Placements made after auditions are determined by Mr. Schmidt and are final. Both jazz bands have a standard instrumentation for this style: alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, piano, electric bass, drum set, and percussion. Instruction will focus on the musical techniques of style, blend, rhythmic accuracy, improvisation, and advanced technical facility. The Jazz "Stage" band performs extensively outside of school.
Students in both groups are required to participate in all assigned performances to receive full credit. Participating students will be DROPPED from Jazz Band for excessive tardiness or absences.
Woodland Park Music, Jazz Band takes fun seriously. We want our audience feel the same joy as we feel playing it. We want to exude fun, in how we play and how we look. A concert is a special occasion and students’ attire should reflect that. Uniformity of dress truly enhances the whole event, creates fewer distractions for the audience, and is expected from students in the band program.
- Hawaiian Shirt
- Black Pants
- Black Socks and shoes
A generous donation from the Band Boosters has allowed us to purchase Hawaiian Shirts to all students in Jazz Band.
We appreciate any clothing donations (Black slacks, tuxedo shirts, or WPMS band polo shirts) to help dress the students appropriately for festivals, concerts, and events. Please have your student bring clothing items washed and folded to the band room.
Jazz band students practice everyday at 6.57 am sharp. Some Fridays they play outside the band room, for the rest of the school to enjoy.