Are you a community-minded business owner or manager looking for ways to increase your visibility?
Your annual support of WPMS Music Boosters will be promoted at all current-year events, reaching more than 300 music program families, as well as hundreds of North County community members who attend our shows and performances.
Sponsor Recognition
WPMS Website Listing
Program Sponsorship’s
Event Signage
Free Thank you gifts
Acknowledgement at Public Events
A variety of promotional opportunities are available. WPMS Band Boosters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization; your donations may be tax deductible!
Event Sponsors
Event-specific sponsorship are available for Businesses, Woodland Park Music Families, and Alumni. Typical sponsorship opportunities include events such as concerts, jazz gigs, and concessions booths. For information on helping the program via event sponsorship or to provide in-kind donations, please contact